Monday, August 4, 2008

Back to School Soon

So... this large gloomy black cloud looms over me for the month of August- preseason starts soon (August 14th to be exact), much to my dismay. I just remember that I have survived 3 of these things and this is my last one! I need to get in shape, which means running alot for the next 8 days, so I can act like I've been doing this all summer. I've been playing soccer all summer but I have to run, I've been slacking on that and therefore have gained some extra pounds. Every year I somehow make it happen, as long as I'm not last its all good.

I turned 21, much fun. So I order drinks when I can, just because I can. I got a new car stereo with ipod attachment (from Sean), delphi gps (from Frank), and other cool random stuff from Mom and friends. My dad is running a little behind on my gift, but its all good. Sean's birthday is today, we adopted kittens (Darth Vader and T. Rex) and I bought him one of them and tons of cat stuff for his birthday. They are quite awesome little ones, three months old and so cute (I'll post pics soon).

Full day camp has ended so I have free time during the day. I'm working a goalkeeper camp this week with BJ but ists at night. I need to do so much before school- pack, get loans, get stuff for school, and new cleats. The barrage of August birthdays always kills me (Frank and Sean's) I am probably taking Frank for his first tattoo for his birthday... $50 towards one. He finally has a job... a model at Abercrombie, there goes his ego. Oh but Radiohead is August 12th so should be great.

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